Monday, March 24, 2014


Dear Home,

It is almost time to get back on the plane, and I feel like it hasn’t even been 5 days. I am starting to get a little home sick, but not much. I hope that everyone is having a great spring break! Yesterday, we went to Machu Picchu, and I loved! We had so much fun giving presentations, and watching presentations. I can’t wait to see you all and I will talk to everyone later! Remember ‘carpe diem’, which means ‘sieze the day.’ Love, Haley Aud

Hope to post a few more before the day is done! :) Students were writing but could not wait for breakfast - pancakes. The girls awoke extra early so that they could have some before the boys devoured every crumb of pancake in sight. I just saw Matthew and Will scrambling down their stairs, "Look, the girls are already at breakfast." Will and Matthew had not even changed out of their PJ's. You would think this bunch had a severe deficit of pancakes in their lives. :)


Unknown said...

Yes Speedy "carpe diem". So proud of you. I love you and miss you very much. Can't wait to see you Wednesday morning!!

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